When One Door Closes Another One Opens
MySack is the result of the Real Estate crash. In 2007, we owned 3 homes that we were in the process of flipping when the housing market suddenly plummeted. We were stuck with $10,000 per month in house payments. I went into panic; I had to think of something fast. I quickly learned the mind does not have the capacity to solve problems, let alone be creative when it is filled with worry and anxiety. After 14 months of this financial devastation, panic became overwhelm and despair. I had literally lost my identity as a provider for my family.
My then wife Sandra suggested I find a new occupation around something I love to do. "If you are going to work in life, why not do something you truly love?" This made a lot of sense to me. It seems to me the happiest people in life really love what they do for a living.
Immediately golf came to my mind (I absolutely LOVE golf). What could I do around golf that had not already been done? I not only had to come up with a new idea, I was still in panic and despair as I continued to hemorrhage money.
Through an absolutely incredible personal experience, I finally came to the powerful realization that my self-worth was not tied into my ability to make money. After this deep understanding, I was able to move out of despair and into a space of creativity.
I remembered a gentleman invented the "pet rock" that made millions. Something so simple and creative, yet people loved it. I began to think, “How do I cross golf and pet rock?” My mind went into creative mode.
A couple of nights later I laid in bed thinking “golf-pet rock, golf- pet rock,” as I fell asleep. I woke up the next morning with the idea of a "uniquely" shaped golf ball holder that would hold two balls. My sub-conscious mind literally came up with the idea while I was asleep. How amazing is that?! When we can learn to relax and realize who we truly are as human beings, our sub-conscious will find solutions to our problems.
It took me a couple of days before I dared to mention the idea to my wife. I wondered, "How could I possibly ask her to believe in my idea and invest so much time and money in creating and marketing such a crazy product; especially after losing everything in the Real Estate crash?" Luckily for us, she thought it was a great idea and together we came up with the slogan, “It Takes Balls to Golf” and thus the birth of MySack®.
We begged and borrowed to come up with enough money to patent MySack® and place the first order of 10,000 sacks. A big risk when we had no proof it would sell. I’ll never forget the day we sold the first MySack. I was so excited!
MySack® has grown from one local store to thousands of fine retail stores worldwide ...and we're just getting started.
My heart is full of deep gratitude and sincere thanks to all!
Doug Baker
P.S. All I can say is “As crazy as your idea or dream may seem, Go For It!”
Connect with us on Facebook: MySack®/ Doug Baker